Queue Management System

what it is?

Queue Management System is a digitised solution to make service-seeking crowd more systemised and organized. Our solution includes an Information Kiosk, Display and interactive software to generate tokens. It is an automated system to manage and smoothen walk-in services and customer flow at places like airports, post office, courts, hospitals, clinics, etc. The in-built software with Queue Management System efficiently handles and manages customers’ requests. It also helps reduce conflicts within the queue and makes services more transparent and swift.


faster processing

increased productivity

Better customer experience

reduced waiting time

How does it work?

The in-built software with Queue Management System efficiently handles and manages customers’ requests. It also helps reduce conflicts within the queue and makes services more transparent and swift.

In the Queue Management System, a proper systemised way is constructed so as to reduce the queue lengths and waiting time. Also, waiting time for each service-seeker can be predicted. With the unique token number assigned to each person, a serene and stress-free waiting can be done. In some places, online token generation can also be done, where service seekers can obtain a token remotely and then reach the premises at an assigned time.


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